It had been an hour and a half. When I came and stood at the end of the coiling queue, the sun had been behind me. Now it had inched closer to its most vengeful position over my head. Sweat dotted my forehead and I reached up to wipe it off. 'Avoid touching your face' echoed in those recesses of my brain that wasn't yet fried. And dabbed my face with my sleeve. Two hours. I turned the corner and glimpsed the portal to the other side. The sun moved up further. 'Ignore it. Focus straight ahead. Plan your course.' The next hour passed quicker. I kept my eyes on the portal and watched it grow larger with every move of the minute hand. And then, just like that it was there. No, it had always been there. But now I was there. The armed sentry stood guard. One last obstacle and I would cross over. He looked me in the eyes to measure my eligibility score. I knew I had passed when I saw him reach for the solution reserved for anointing those who could go throug...